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DOL Compliance Assurance

Cost-Effective Ad Placement

Simplified Quote Process

Atlas Advertising is dedicated to providing end-to-end support in advertising for recruitment. From the initial consultation to the successful completion of your SWA job order, we're here to ensure the PERM process is efficient and free from stress.

End-to-End PERM Advertisement Support

Our team meticulously documents each step of the process, providing you with the necessary records for PERM audit purposes. We ensure that every aspect of your SWA job order aligns perfectly with DOL regulations, thereby mitigating the risk of potential compliance issues.

Meticulous PERM Advertisement Documentation for DOL Compliance

Understanding the significance of geographic specificity, we ensure that your job orders are placed with the SWA in the state where the job is located. Whether your job is in a bustling city or a rural area, we tailor our approach to maximize exposure to the right candidate pool.

Strategic PERM Advertising for Targeted Recruiting

PERM Recruitment, perm dol processing times, perm processing timelines

We handle the entire process of placing job orders with the appropriate State Workforce Agency. Our expertise ensures that your job orders meet all the specific criteria set by the DOL, from the job description to the duration of the posting.

Comprehensive SWA Job Order Management for PERM Advertising

At Atlas Advertising, we specialize in navigating the complexities of the PERM labor certification process, particularly in managing State Workforce Agency (SWA) job orders. Our service ensures your compliance with the Department of Labor's stringent PERM requirements.

Efficient State Workforce Agency (SWA)  Services for PERM Compliance

PERM Advertising for State Workforce Agency

Featured Services

Expertly place your immigration ads in leading newspapers, ensuring compliance and targeted reach for PERM certification


Reliably place your immigration ads with SWA, ensuring precise compliance with regional PERM advertising regulations and reaching key local markets

State Workforce Agency

Strategically place ads in niche trade journals, connecting your message with industry-specific audiences for effective immigration campaigns

Professional Journals

Place impactful radio ads that meet immigration advertising requirements, reaching diverse audiences effectively.

Radio Advertisement

Efficiently place your recruitment ads on top online job boards, maximizing visibility and compliance for immigration purposes.

Online Advertising 

PERM Recruitment, perm dol processing times, perm processing timelines

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