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DOL Compliance Assurance

Cost-Effective Ad Placement

Simplified Quote Process

Targeted Station Selection: With our extensive research and understanding of DOL profiles for each ZIP code, we assist you in selecting the most suitable radio stations for your PERM Ads.

Volume-Based Discounts:Leveraging our strong relationships with numerous radio stations, we secure cost-effective deals, providing you the best value for your advertising investment.

Hassle-Free Ad Production and Placement: Fill out our order form, and we take care of the rest. From producing DOL-compliant ads to ensuring they are broadcast as required, we streamline the entire process.


Nationwide Network and Legal Compliance: Our nationwide outreach to radio stations ensures that your ads are priced competitively and procedures are streamlined, while always adhering to legal requirements.

Our Comprehensive PERM Radio Ad Services Include:

radio mic

Wide Coverage: Radio ads on local FM stations provide extensive coverage, reaching a diverse audience, crucial for fulfilling PERM labor certification requirements.

DOL Compliance: We produce radio ads that are 100% DOL compliant, ensuring they run with the right frequency and format to meet the specific PERM guidelines.

Why Radio Ads for PERM Certification?

Atlas Advertising brings you an efficient and seamless solution for PERM Radio Ads, a crucial 'additional' step in the Labor Certification process as outlined by the Department of Labor (DOL). We specialize in navigating the complexities of radio advertising to ensure your PERM requirements are met with precision.

Optimize Your PERM Certification with Strategic Radio Ads 

Targeted PERM Radio Advertisement

Featured Services

Expertly place your immigration ads in leading newspapers, ensuring compliance and targeted reach for PERM certification


Reliably place your immigration ads with SWA, ensuring precise compliance with regional PERM advertising regulations and reaching key local markets

State Workforce Agency

Strategically place ads in niche trade journals, connecting your message with industry-specific audiences for effective immigration campaigns

Professional Journals

Place impactful radio ads that meet immigration advertising requirements, reaching diverse audiences effectively.

Radio Advertisement

Efficiently place your recruitment ads on top online job boards, maximizing visibility and compliance for immigration purposes.

Online Advertising 

PERM Recruitment, perm dol processing times, perm processing timelines

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