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DOL Compliance Assurance

Cost-Effective Ad Placement

Simplified Quote Process

Choose Atlas Advertising for your online advertising needs and experience a service that combines compliance, strategic placement, and creative excellence. Reach out to us today to begin crafting an online PERM campaign that delivers results and drives your labor certification success forward.

Connect with Atlas Advertising for Your Online PERM Advertising Needs

Our advertising for recruitment extends beyond mere placements. We choose reputable journals that not only resonate with your brand's message but also amplify your presence in the industry, lending credibility and a competitive edge to your recruitment efforts.

Credibility and Exposure Through Strategic Advertising for Recruitment

Atlas Advertising takes the complexities out of online PERM advertising. Our streamlined process, from initial strategy development to final execution, ensures your ads are strategically placed, compelling, and compliant. We manage every aspect of your online advertising needs, freeing you to focus on other critical aspects of your PERM application

Simplifying the Complexities of Online PERM Advertising


Broad Reach: Online platforms offer extensive reach, allowing your job ads to connect with a diverse, skilled pool of potential applicants across various digital landscapes.

Targeted Strategy: We utilize advanced targeting techniques to place your ads where they will be most effective, ensuring they resonate with the relevant audience.

DOL Compliance: Our deep understanding of PERM requirements guarantees that your online ads are fully compliant with Department of  Labor guidelines.

Why Choose Online Advertising for PERM?

In the digital era, online advertising plays a pivotal role in the PERM labor certification process. Atlas Advertising offers specialized online advertising services, ensuring your PERM campaigns are not only DOL compliant but also highly effective in reaching the right audience.

Targeted PERM Advertisement in the Digital Space

Elevate Your Recruitment with Precision PERM Online Advertising

Featured Services

Expertly place your immigration ads in leading newspapers, ensuring compliance and targeted reach for PERM certification


Reliably place your immigration ads with SWA, ensuring precise compliance with regional PERM advertising regulations and reaching key local markets

State Workforce Agency

Strategically place ads in niche trade journals, connecting your message with industry-specific audiences for effective immigration campaigns

Professional Journals

Place impactful radio ads that meet immigration advertising requirements, reaching diverse audiences effectively.

Radio Advertisement

Efficiently place your recruitment ads on top online job boards, maximizing visibility and compliance for immigration purposes.

Online Advertising 

PERM Recruitment, perm dol processing times, perm processing timelines

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